First Course Recipes

Ricette di primi piatti tipici della cucina siciliana,  eoliana e filicudara

The "arancini" - Italian for "little oranges" - are one of the specialties of the traditional Sicilian cuisine.
They are not a tradition of filicudi but as the kind Sicilian I am I have to show you how to prepare them!

Home made traditional Sicilian Arancini

Ingredients for 4 people

Rice (for rice, parboiled, of the type that does not overcook ...): 320 grams
Minced Beef: 100gr
peeled tomatoes: 250g
grated cheese: 60 gr
Eggs: 5
Saffron powder: 1 or 2 sachets, to taste.
Onion: 100gr
White wine: to taste
Extra virgin olive oil (I use what we do with our Filicudi olive trees, 300 liters per year of tasty superextra oil, absolute quality!): 3 tablespoons
Oil for frying: As needed
Salt and pepper: to taste.

.. And now ladies and gentlemen ... start preparing these delicacies!
Fry the onion in extra virgin olive oil until golden, then add the ground beef and let it flavor; pour a little white wine and let it evaporate.
Add the tomatoes, a pinch of salt and pepper according to your taste.
Continue to the very low heat for about 1 hour.
Meanwhile boil the rice (wash it first, until 'the water does not become white), drain it al dente and season with grated cheese, red eggs and saffron.

Flatten the rice on a plate and let cool slightly.
So with a large spoon put a bit of rice in a hand giving it the shape of a bowl; then pour a spoonful of sauce and cover with more rice.
Roll into balls and roll the oranges in white beaten egg and then in bread crumbs.
then let to rest for half an hour, after which fry them in a pan with very high walls (or a pot) with abundant oil.

Note: arancini are traditionally shaped as a "pear" if they are seasoned with sauce and meat. If they are rounded balls, they are  butter flavoured (butter, pepper, cheese) without sauce; the shape is ovoidal if they are stuffed with spinachs (often mixed in rice paste).

In Palermo they are called to the female, arancina.
In eastern Sicily, the name is masculine. Arancino.

A filicudi gli asparagi selvatici si trovano molto facilmente!
Ecco quindi una bella ricetta per quando si torna a casa la sera, con tanti begli asparagi selvatici trovati passeggiando fra le terrazze dell'isola.

Ingredienti per 4 persone

400 grammi di riso ( si.. per un risotto serve il riso...)
500 grammi di asparagi selvatici
1/2 bicchiere di vino bianco (secco)
Olio extravergine di oliva ( di Filicudi.. sarebbe meglio!!)

Preparazione : 20 minuti circa
Tempo di cottura: 25 minuti circa


Pulite gli asparagi, eliminando la parte dura del gambo, lavateli.
Scaldate 6 cucchiai di olio in una padella antiaderente e tostate il riso, quindi versate il vino e fatelo evaporare.
Spezzettate gli asparagi ed aggiungeteli al riso.
Aggiungete un po' di acqua calda (un bicchiere) e cuocete per circa 15 minuti, addizionando l'acqua necessaria e rimescolando.
A cottura ultimata aggiustate per il sale e aggiungete un cucchiaio di olio di oliva extravergine per mantecarlo.

buon appetito!

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